The Power of a Virtual Focus Group

In business, we often talk about addressing customer “pain-points” to maximize profits. But how can you know what pain points are specific to your customer base? Surveys can help you get a feel for the general trends, but even they can miss out on crucial information. Likewise, they don’t allow you to probe further into what your customers like and don’t like. AnswerOn has generated a way to do just that.

Predictive Analytics: Using Data to Save Money and Employees

It’s no secret that high rates of employee turnover result in financial losses for a company. Where does the money go? Every step of the employment process has hidden expenses, even steps like listing a job or hiring someone. However, in call centers, one cost stands out from the rest: training and onboarding new employees.

Data Modeling and Data Analytics: What’s the Difference?

Often used interchangeably, data modeling and data analytics evaluate separate components of data. Data modeling requires setting parameters on data to better understand it.On the other hand, data analysis considers the data itself, allowing you to make informed business decisions. Here are some distinguishing qualities between modeling and analytics.

The Machine Learning Bubble?

Articles appear daily describing the accomplishments of machine learning, companies market their prowess in machine learning, and machine learning has become nearly synonymous with artificial intelligence. Michael Mozer, Scientific Advisor at AnswerOn and Professor at the University of Colorado discusses the astronomical rise of Machine Learning.