Managing Agent Attrition White Paper

Refuse to accept agent attrition as just “the cost of doing business”

Download your free white paper today to start implementing these tools in your call center and creating a more engaging and effective work environment for everyone.

You’re determined to be an effective, respective call center manager that balances all aspects of your operations and agent retention. The biggest thorn in your side is the constant stream of agents dropping their job and you picking up the pieces.

Many just accept this churn cycle as the status quo. But, do you have to accept it? Nope.

AnswerOn’s proprietary modeling technology and deployment platform free directors like you from sifting through reams of data, having weak reactive interactions with agents, and continually reviewing past performance goals that just don’t seem attainable.

Is attrition hurting your bottom line?

AnswerOn has developed advanced, patent-pending, predictive modeling systems and software that restore lost revenue from attrition back to call center operators.

AO can improve the call center work environment, making for more productive, happier, longer termed employees. How?

Download your free copy of Managing Agent Attrition for Better Performance With the Use of Predictive Analytics to learn more today!

Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

In this free resource, you will learn more about:

The best part? It’s all free. Yes, we mean free.

  1. How to implement a retention strategy in your call center that helps boost performance
  2. How to utilize your ability to become proactive in predicting attrition and attaining performance goals
  3. How to significantly reduce attrition, encourage improved agent performance, and save training costs by determining when and why agents are likely to leave
  4. How a leading BPO call center client improved attrition rates by 65%, reduced training costs by nearly 20%, and saved $9.5 million in net margin savings by working with AnswerOn… and how you can, too

Learn More about Our Predictive & Prescriptive Analytics >

Download your free white paper today!

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While this resource is free to anyone who wishes to download it, it is particularly useful for managers of call centers who are faced with high demands, frustrated agents, and overblown budgets.

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Stop feeling out of control, churning through agents, and busting your budget.

Experience your own job satisfaction, happier agents, and improved profits starting today.